You know that Carbon is another Twitter client for Android and Seesmic is a Facebook and Twitter client but HootSuite is a four in one package for this mobile operating system. You know that all those mentioned social networking websites are really helpful for every kind of people. Suppose, if you are a normal guy, you can connect with your friends via them. Or if you are a blogger, you can get so many visitors from Facebook, Twitter and other mentioned sites. However, that is a different story when it comes to install a brilliant Android app that can give most. St this situation, you can use HootSuite on your device.
Introducing HootSuite:-
HootSuite is really a obliging application which needs some authorization to access your Facebook pages, Twitter lists and more. It will also publish a post on your behalf on your Facebook profile. The most interesting thing is that you can update /tweet the same line on both Facebook and Twitter and other linked account at once. This is rwally a nice opportunity for them who wants to share dozens of articles or anything else on different social networking websites i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc.
How to use HootSuite on your Android device?
Though it is very easy, still you can follow the following lines to get most out of this application. After opening it no your device, it will ask you for an account. If you previously have a HootSuite account, you can enter those details or you can also create a new account for logging in. hence, you will need to link your account(s).
After completing linking in, press the Done Adding Profiles.
Then, you can do anything in order to access your profiles. You can send messages, update status, send scheduled message, open tweets /posts and more.
I think, you must give it a try.
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