How to Find the Font that is being used on a Webpage using Firefox Add-on

You know that you can easily check the font which has been using on you web page by inspecting the element. Each page shows the used font inside “body” or anything else. But it becomes little bit annoying when you have not so enough time. It is a common fact that every newbie wants to use a font that is being used on a popular blog like Mashable, MakeUseof etc. But it becomes very difficult for new designers who do not know how to check the font. There is a simple trick to know the name of a font. You can copy a little piece of line and paste it in MS Word. MS Word will show the name if that font until it is a regular font. If that font is a Google Web Font or any other else, MS Word will show Times New Roman or Calibri or Arial as the name of that font. Or sometimes it show blank in the font name arena. Thus, you will get a wrong info.

But here is a perfect solution for your problem that would give you correct details for corresponding font. You need an add-on which will do everything for you. In fact, Firefox is a great browser that has tons of add-ons such like Twitbin, Public Fox etc. Today’s script is also for web designers.

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How to find the font using Firefox add-on?

However, it looks very simple. Just add FontInfo in your browser. Then, select a particular part of any line of any webpage and select “Show Font in Selection” from right click context menu.

Find the Font that is being used on a Webpage

After that, you will come across to the name of that font from a popup.

That’s all! I am sure that this tutorial will help you a lot. Do let us know your view.

Image Courtesy has been served from Digital Photos.

Note:- This add-on is under development. So, the chance of getting info is 5% out of 100%.

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