The Easiest Way to Enable Breadcrumb in WordPress

If you are a web designer who has already designed a lot of sites for their clients, I am damn sure that you have got the request to enable breadcrumb in WordPress so that their links look good than regular. You know that breadcrumbs are really good in terms of blog design. It also helps readers to quickly pick out their position in your blog. For example, I am using breadcrumb and you can find the result above the title.

It also appears in Google search result page. Check out following pictures;

Enable Breadcrumb in WordPress

So, as you can find that a good looking url will must attract more visitors than a normal url. But I found somewhere that it affects search engine ranking when I cannot find anything like this.

How to enable breadcrumb in WordPress?

Here is a plugin which is known as RDFa Breadcrumb. This is the easiest method to implement breadcrumb in a WordPress blog when you also make use of coding to do so. Anyway, at first upload it in your plugin directory via any FTP client or install it right from WordPress dashboard [Download Link]. After that, activate it and go to this plugin settings page from left pane. Here you will get a minimal setting.

Enable Breadcrumb in WordPress

Save your changes and go to single.php in your WordPress theme (Or go to a specific arena where you want to show your breadcrumb.) and paste the following code;

<?php if(function_exists(‘rdfa_breadcrumb’)){ rdfa_breadcrumb(); } ?>

You can also design it as your wish. For example, I have added the above code as follows;

<div style=”font-size: 13px; margin: 10px; padding: 2px 0;”><?php if(function_exists(‘rdfa_breadcrumb’)){ rdfa_breadcrumb(); } ?>

After doing all, make sure your changes. That’s all!

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