How to Install Windows 8.1 from USB Drive [100% Working Guide]

You know that Windows is one of most popular operating system for computers and laptops. These days, people are using Windows 8.1 on their computer. I have been using Windows 7 for a long time since this is my favorite operating system out there.

But to compete with other, we bloggers have to be advanced with current things like Windows 8.1. So, before upgrading to Windows 8.1, you should create backup of your important files so that you won’t lose anything after upgrading to Windows 8.1.


Generally, people buy Windows OS from official Microsoft site or download the preview version from the same location. They always try to install Windows OS or any other OS from CD or DVD since this is very easy to do so using them. In fact, Microsoft is selling it’s DVD apart from manual upgrading from Windows 8.

But today, I am going to introduce such a great tutorial that will let you install Windows 8.1 from USB. You can also use the same tutorial to make a bootable USB drive of Windows 8.1, Windows 8 and Windows 7. I have tried this guide for almost three times to get the surety.

How to install Windows 8.1 from USB Drive/How to create a bootable USB drive of Windows 8.1?

This is however very easy and not yet much time-consuming that you are thinking. I will show you this trick that will be done through Command Prompt.


  • Minimum 4GB pen drive
  • Installation files of that OS what you want to install

So, at first open Command Prompt under Administrator Privilege and make sure that you have plugged in your Pen drive in your computer.

Just copy the drive letter of your USB drive in clipboard. It will help you later.

After that, enter the following command respectively;


SELECT DISK 3 (Here, 3 is the disk number of my USB drive. It can be 1 or 2 or anything else for you.)






(Now you have to wait for a few while until it will complete the task)

Install Windows 8.1 from USB Drive



Don’t close your command prompt. Now insert the DVD of Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 or Windows 7 and again copy the drive letter of that DVD drive in your clipboard.

Now again enter below commands after one by one;

I: CD BOOT (I is my DVD drive letter.)


BOOTSECT.EXE /NT60 D: (D is my USB drive letter)

After completing the above command, you will get the following screen;

Install Windows 8.1 from USB Drive

Now close the command prompt and copy all installation files in the corresponding pen drive.

That’s all! You have almost done! Your pen drive is ready to boot. Before installing any Windows OS from USB, please make sure that you have chosen USB instead of HDD or CD ROM drive in BIOS to boot.

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