Today I am going to tell you about some common facts which happen with some newbies after getting a disapproved by Google Adsense. You know that Google AdSense is one of the best Ad networks over world wide. There is no other ad network such like this. But still there are also some bloggers who hate Google AdSense and they want to quit their blogging journey. But do you know that you can get an approved AdSense account in just 1.5 month and this is with some minimum requirements. But you have to do something different. There are many bloggers who want to quit blogging after getting disapproved from AdSense. Hope these following tricks may help you at these situations.
Do Not Apply Again For AdSense On Very Next Day
This will be very much harmful for you and obviously for your blog to apply again on very next day after getting disapproved mail. You have to check what is missing from your blog or what to do with your blog.
Take Seniors Exhortation
You can take seniors advice instead of being upset. It is very much helpful to get a faster approved AdSense account.
Read Others Blog For Requirements
Read other blogs for minimum requirements of AdSense or even you can read AdSense policy minutely so that you can realize which pages are missing or which layout is perfect for your niche etc.
Take Steps For all Your Previous Mistakes
Remove all your previous mistakes and repair your blog as soon as possible.
Check Your Page Loading Time
You must have to care of your page loading time as Google AdSense also check your blog’s page loading time. IF it is more that the requirements, you may get disapproved. You can use GtMetrix for checking the actual time. It also show you what is your fault and how to decrease page loading time.
Take A Final Review Manually
Now check your whole blog yourself manually. Compare your present blog with the previous one which was rejected.
Now Your Blog Is Ready For Applying
Now you can apply for AdSense account after the previous step. Don’t apply for AdSense over 6 times using same email id. it may be harmful for your blog.
That’s it! Now enjoy yourself.
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