Get All Installed Network Adapters Details in Windows 8

I know that there are so many tools to get all installed network adapters details of your system, here is something about one of those. You can easily grab and run it on your PC when you are using from Windows 2000 to Windows 8. You know that all wireless network adapters cannot be trapped by human eye. Some of the tools are not able to detect by you and me.

NetworkInterfacesView is such a software that is companionable on any Windows operating system and it works fine in sense of detecting ghost network adapters. It will afford you some statistics about Device Name, Connection Name, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Giveaway, Name Servers, DHCP Enabled, DHCP Server, Instance ID, Interface GUID, MTU, Lease Obtained Time, Lease Terminates Time, T1 Time, T2 Time, Registry Time, Status and MAC Address.

A red /green or yellow button will be appeared just beside of each installed network adapters that will help you to come to know whether that adapter is now running or not. You can also get a HTML report of each tool so that you can optimize that running application more carefully.

I think this little of piece is adequate for now. If you have any other query about anything, let us know. We will help you as enough as possible.

Via:- GHacks

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