The Pings within your blog is called self ping. These kinds of Pings sometimes cause annoyance to others. Some people consider the self ping facility as a useful one because visitors can find a new post from a older one. It should definitely helps to increase page views of a blog. However some people consider this as useless one.
Now “allow trackbacks and ping-backs options on this page” option allow you to stop ping-back option for a particular page. But how to stop trackback and ping back for a link in a WordPress Blog.
Generally we use such html format for a link:
You can notice that the above link denotes the full url of the linked article. Instead of using a full url if you use partial url, you can avoid self pingback for a particular link. In this case the linked html code should look something like this:
Note: This type of interlinking works only for your blog. But it never works at outside of your blog, for example in RSS feed or in subscription email.
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