Today’s script is depend on three most useful WordPress plugins those might be helpful to remove version number of WordPress software and all used WordPress plugins from your source page. I don’t know whether you have previously noticed or not that your reader can view which plugin and theme your are using from the source page. Generally, this is quite difficult to hide the below link from the source page but you can remove version number of WordPress software and plugins easily.
Why you should remove version number?
You know that most of the hackers target WordPress blog more than Blogger blog and that’s why some people dislike WordPress. And if you show the version number of your blog software or plugins, hackers might attack your blog. Moreover, it helps hijackers very much. If you remove version number of these features you may perhaps protect your privacy.
How to remove version number of your WordPress blog?
Head over to these following three plugins which could remove version number from the source page.
This plugin is very much helpful to hide only WordPress version number from the source page. The following line will be hidden from the source page but you cannot hide the Plugin version number.
Download Remove WP version everywhere
This plugin works as same as the above plugin. You just have to install it on your dashboard. It will also remove the same line from the source page.
Download WordPress Remove Version
This is very much helpful to remove the plugin version number from your blog page source. It will protect your plugin privacy. You know that there are some web apps those could detect your used plugin names and version but if you use this plugin, you can easily hide it.
Download Remove Script & Stylesheet Versions
I think these above mentioned tools will help you very much.
#Update (2nd April):-
We detect some problems with the Remove Script & Stylesheet Versions. So, if you are facing any problem after installing it, just deactivate the plugin. Sorry, for that.
#Update (30th October):-
Instead of using such plugin, you can also make use of this simple code to remove the version number. You have to add the following lines of code in your theme’s functions.php file;
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' ) ; remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' ) ; remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' ) ;
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