What do you do when you have to share multiple links with your friends and number of links is more than 10 or 15? Would you like to copy them in clipboard after one by one and then send that to someone? Or there is also another solution that lets you merge multiple links into one so that you can easily share them with friends/colleagues or with anyone.
Actually it saved my day that was going to waste by me by running a copy-paste technique with more than 20 urls. I had to send some urls to one of my friends about a project but the number of links was pretty high – 28. Previously I never thought that I can do like this but finding Bridge URL, it became very easy.
By the way, Bridge URL is such a web app that could merge multiple links into one. That means, you can share more than one link through one primary link. That primary link will be disclosed automatically. Though it is possible to do so without opting in but you can edit your existing urls after signing in.
How to merge multiple links using Bridge URL?
This is however very easy to do. Get started with the homepage of Bridge URL by entering a title. In the next empty box, you have to add your links (One per line). After that, press the button that says Create Link.
Therefore, you will get two different links like the following;
Just share it with friends.
Bridge URL is using IFrames. But some websites like Facebook doesn’t allow IFrame since it is being used by some spammers. So, it might be a reason for that Facebook, Google etc. will not be open inside Bridge URL.
I don’t know how many links you can merge in one bridge.
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